Don’t Allow A Customer Disconnect!

Sometimes when people sell info products online they feel as if, because their customers are far away and they will never meet them in person, they don’t have a responsibility to deliver high quality goods or services. After all, they will never see them face-to-face. But your online reputation depends on what your buyers think of your products. And a bad reputation can kill a business!

Think of it this way. Pretend that every customer is your next door neighbor. Pretend you go to their cookouts and their children play with yours. Pretend you interact with them at social events and you trust and respect them as good friends. And you value that friendship!

Now imagine they just bought your product online. Do you feel comfortable with that? Will they appreciate the value of that product or service, or will they think you have scammed them by taking their money delivering a shoddy product or service to them?

So at your next cookout with your neighbors look around. If the people there, your friends and neighbors, bought your product would they still respect you? Will they still respect you? Will they think that you’re their hero for providing them with tremendous value and content in your product. When you think selling your product in those terms you can see the importance of delivering nothing but high-caliber, reputation-building products to your customers.

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