Tips For YouTube Creators

Sure, people watch YouTube crazy cat videos, gaming videos, music videos, etc. But many of you generate videos to promote a cause, promote a product, or grow your email list. If that is you then the following tips will help you create videos people watch and enjoy.

Especially if you are a new YouTube creator I would recommend doing a dry run through of your video. Don’t worry about perfect lighting or sound. Just commit your content to a video and then go back and see how many of the items below you have ticked off. Then, when you have made any corrections go ahead and shoot the final best version of your video. Here are my 10 best tips.

1. Tell the viewer exactly what they will be learning in the beginning of your video and how your information can transform their life.

2. Avoid speaking in a monotone. Use inflections of tone and volume in your voice to create a more enjoyable experience for your viewers.

3. Use brief pauses after making key points to let the concept to set into the minds of your viewers.

4. Look directly into the camera as you speak.

5. Minimize the number of “uhs” that work into your speaking.

6. Minimize the number of contracted “g’s” in your speaking. For example…
say going to, not gunna
say want to, not wanna
say doing, not doin
say working, not workin
…just a few examples

7. The viewer watch times on your videos are extremely important to get good rankings for them. Videos of 5-10 minutes or more are better than shorter videos if you can keep the average watch times high.

8. Keeping Item 7 above in mind, always try to be succinct in your delivery. Try to cut out any non-vital parts of your video. Cut your content to the bone without eliminating essential information.

9. Be energetic and enthusiastic in your delivery. Try to make viewers feel good about their choice to view your video.

10. Near the end of your video recap the key points you made and again remind the viewers of the transformation in their lives your information can bring about.