My goal is to help you create and market a digital info product of your own online. If you have an idea for an ebook, a video or series of videos, or a membership site you will profit from the ideas I share.
Most people begin by creating an ebook type product because there are fewer moving parts in its creation. But eventually people often graduate to video type programs because they often have a higher perceived value (and other reasons). Some examples of digital info products include…
• ebooks
• videos
• software
• case studies
• combination products
• membership sites (free and paid)
• online courses
• one-to-many coaching
00(often delivered by webinars or tele-seminars)
• one-on-one coaching
00(often delivered via phone or Skype)
One factor of success in this business lies in providing tremendous value in your products. This will help you get glowing testimonials for your products as well as gaining respect with your buyers–this helps to create repeat buyers when you create other products down the road.